Thursday, November 8, 2018

Look who's back in 2018!

THE CRUCIBLE @ Cumberland 
Players closes this Saturday.  It stars
Arielle Egan and John Krug in the 
title roles. Heidi Dugan directs.
Hey everybody!

Well, it's been about seven years since I posted anything here. This started out as a project for an online journalism assignment at Rowan University, and I kept it going for a few years before moving onto bigger places. Now, I'm onto a new career outside of The Journalisms and revving this baby back up. Sure, it isn't the nicest blog layout in the world. Yeah, it's dated. No, it doesn't look professional in the least bit. But, it's mine. Until I want a better solution, I'll be here.

As always, here's our weekend update:

JOSEPH & THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT - OBSP @ The Levoy (Millville, N.J.); Opening night Friday, Nov. 9, 2018 (Runs through Nov. 18); Tickets $20-22.

THE HUNTCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME - Sketch Club Players (Woodbury, N.J.); Nov. 9-11; 16 & 17, 2018; Tickets $25.

THE CRUCIBLE - Cumberland Players (Vineland, N.J.); Nov. 9 & 10, 2018; Tickets $13-$16.

KISS ME KATE - Broadway Theatre (Pitman, N.J.); Nov. 9 - 18, 2018; Tickets $35.

CRUMBS FROM THE TABLE OF JOY - South Camden Theatre Co. (Camden, N.J.); Nov. 9-18, 2018; Tickets $20 (Only $5 for Camden residents with proof of residency)

INTO THE WOODS - Ritz Theatre Co. (Oaklyn, N.J.); Nov. 9 - 18, 2018; Tickets $28-34


THOSE WHO LOVE YOU - Rowan University Lab Theatre (Glassboro, N.J.) Nov. 16 & 17 8 p.m. & 9 p.m. both nights; Tickets FREE.

NEWSIES - Road Company @ The Grand (Williamstown, N.J.); Nov. 15 - Dec. 8, 2018; Tickets $17-$25

THE SPITFIRE GRILL - The Eagle Theatre (Hammonton, N.J.); Nov. 16 - Dec. 16, 2018; Tickets $30.

OLIVER! - Cumberland County College (Vineland, N.J.); Nov 15 - 18, 2018; Tickets $5-15

ONCE ON THIS ISLAND (JUNIOR EDITION) - Haddonfield Plays & Players (Haddonfield, N.J.); Nov. 15-17; Tickets $10

Enjoy the shows!


p.s. "Rialto" is a boojie word for "theatre district"

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