Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Would you like a prescription???

Once upon a time there was a playwright named Neil Simon...he's probably my favorite. My first experience with Neil Simon began in May of 2006 when I was cast in his play Broadway Bound. That play is the third in his hailed psuedo-memoir Brighton Beach Trilogy. These shows are all absolutely beautiful, funny, heartwarming with a mix of true life experiences. I remember some audiences members having to leave the theatre after one scene in which my mother and father had a 12 page dramatic dialogue in which their relationship fails. Comedy you ask? Those plays hit a little bit closer to home.

My second experience with Neil Simon was when I assistant stage managed a production of Barefoot in the Park. This show was a bit more witty and frivolously fun. True Neil Simon style.

Tomorrow night at 8pm in the Lab Theatre at Rowan University, a very Neil Simon-esque Neil Simon play, Fools, will open. Tickets are only $1 and are a mere donation to the theatre company. I hope to be there tomorrow night. I think I'll be meeting my friend Andrew there and he plans on bringing some friends out, which is great because we need to give the student-produced theatre productions our utmost support.

The production is directed by Michael Pliskin '10 and the production is designed by Matthew Wagner '10

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